Malden Historical Society
Malden Historical Society

Recent Events

Book Signing

June 19, 2018 saw the introduction of the latest publication by the Society. Titled "An Early History of Malden" by Frank Russell the book is the first publication covering the period from the 1600's through 1900. The author gave a brief talk on the book and its unique contents which was followed by the opportunity for those in attendance to purchase copies signed by the author and enjoy the refreshments provided by the Society.

Last Impresions of Japan: Hokusai  &   Hiroshige and Beyond                      January 23, 2018 -March 23, 2018

President John Trammodozzi gave the crowd an overview of the Japanese woodcut exhibition . He was preceeded by Dr. St. Martin, the Library's Director, who welcomed theose in attendance and gave them a history of the prints. The library provided Japanese inspired light refreshments that evening.


Remember the exhibit will be open three days a week from now until March 23. Mondays from 6 -8 PM, Wednesdays  2 - 4 PM and Saturdays 2 - 4 PM. These prints have not been exhibited since 1913.

Dr. Brown's Talk Well Received   April 4, 2017

      31st Annual Antique Show        March 11, 2017

The 2017 Antique Show has gone down in history as a success! With customers lineing up almost an hour before the opening, we had the best attendance in over six years. The dealers were pleased with the steady stream of buyers throughout the day. The Society also had a banner day at their table selling many of our publications.  We have included some pictures of the hall throughout the day. See if you can spot the Mayor of Malden, Gary Christenson, as he perused the items on sale until called away by City business. A big thank you to the Mayor and all who attended and the dealers who made this fund raiser a great success.

Bell Rock Cemetery Tour

Crowd Gathering for the Tour

Taken shortly before the start of the tour, this photo shows some of the early arrivals gathering for the tour.

Our Tour Guide addressing the crowd

Frakk Russell gave an interesting and informative tour. People were very attentive and asked a great number of questions.

Here is the crowd among the graves dating from the late 1600's to the mid 1800's. One of the people in attendance even discovered some of his ancestors that he had heard were buried in Malden. If you look close you can see Mayor Gary Christianson who not only enjoyed the tour but called in a city worker to remove graffiti from one of the tombs. Thank you Mayor.

2016 Antique Show and Sale

The Society held its 30th Annual Antique Show and Sale on March 12. There was a a crowd buyng and over 25 dealers selling. If you were able to make it this year we are posting some pictures from the day.

Ready for the first customers
Some of the items in one of over 25 booths
Hunting for the bargain

Reception at the Opening  of the Uniform Exhibition

The Society had a good crowd at the reception for the opening of their latest exhibit. This one is on uniforms of Malden. As John Tramondozzi, the Curator of Collections for the Society, said in his opening statement these items expand on what we often think of as uniforms. They are not just military, police and fire, but they are clothing that identified people as belonging. There are items from the schools, hospitals, sports teams, political activists and society. There were surprises for everyone. Here are some scenes from the night. Click on the pictures to see them larger and see trhe captions.


Remember if you have uniforms at home, with a Malden connection, that you would like to see preserved along with the memory of those that wore them contact the Society. One of our staff will contact you and see if they are something we can use to complete our collection.

Brides Through the Ages

The Society, over the summer, hosted an exhibition at the Library titled "Here Comes the Brides". The Society had on display wedding dresses and photographs of Malden residents from the 1800's through the late 1900's. Some of the dresses and photographs were from the Society's collection while others were on loan from the famiies. The exhibit opened with a reception and ran for a month. Below are some pictures of the dispaly and the reception.

Just a few of the gowns on display.

The opening reception was well attended.


The descendants of some of the women who wore the dresses attended.



One of the many styles on display.



29th Annual Antique Show 2015

29th Annual Antique Show


On March 14 the Society held its' 29th annual show. This year we moved it to a new larger facility located on one level. There we gathered over 20 dealers from three states who brought a varied selection of antiques and collectibles for a wide range of interests. There were Shaker items, Civil War militaria, jewelry, fine glass, china, sterling and so much more. Those in attendance were impressed with the facility and the dealers enjoyed the ease of set up and packing. If you missed it this year watch for information on next years 30th show which we expect to be bigger and better. Send us your email address and we will send you a reminder.

What Is New

The 36th Annual Antique Show is almost here. See more details to the right and print the card for a discount

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We are a non-profit organization and welcome any kind of support. If you would like to help out, please contact us for a list of our most needed items or volunteer opportunities.


Malden Historical Society
36 Salem St
Malden, MA 02148


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